CMC Commission Director Issues Statement On Wind Project Disaster Off Cape Cod

A few days ago, without warning and still for reasons unknown, that turbine blade snapped and about one-third of it broke loose. Much of the blade disintegrated and a mass of industrial fiberglass, paint, foam, adhesive and other items entered the Atlantic Ocean environment. That mass quickly covered the 15 miles of open water and began washing up on Nantucket beaches. Debris is now washing up on Cape Cod. CMC Commission Director Len Desiderio issued a statement on the situation reading, in part, “We were right to oppose offshore wind. Nantucket is a small, barrier island in Massachusetts near Martha’s Vineyard. Another foreign wind corporation built the Vineyard Wind offshore wind project 15 miles off Nantucket beaches. For the past several days, many of those beaches were closed due to fiberglass, foam and other debris washing ashore. That fiberglass and foam comes from a Vineyard Wind turbine blade.”